The number of rhinos killed in South Africa has soared to the horrifying figure of 633 since the start of 2012, according to the Department of Environmental Affairs.
Of the total, 395 rhinos were massacred in South Africa’s flagship tourist destination, Kruger National Park. The North West province accounted for 77 killings, while Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal each lost 60 rhinos.
266 people have been arrested for rhino crimes in South Africa. The highest numbers of arrests were made in Kruger National Park (72) and Mpumalanga province (66).
South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs asks members of the public to report tip-offs and incidents to 0800 205 005.
See also:
- Report Confirms Wildlife Trafficking Threatens Global Security
- Report: Rhino Killings Driven by Private Stockpiling and Trade Speculation
- Report: Asian, African Countries Failing to Control Illegal Wildlife Trade
- The Lion Bone’s Connected to the … Rhino Horn?