INTERPOL Meeting of the Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Committee
Annamiticus participated in the INTERPOL Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Committee meeting during the week of November 4, 2013, in Nairobi, Kenya.

As a former member of the INTERPOL wildlife crimes working group, Sal is focusing on the role NGOs — such as Annamiticus — can take in assisting the international community in tackling the growing problem of wildlife trafficking. We’re looking forward to learning about the new developments and future initiatives being contemplated by the INTERPOL working groups.
World Rhino Day 2013
The Compilation Video!
Digital Series: “Ancient Rhinos of Southeast Asia”
Episode 1: BY A THREAD
In the heart of the Indonesian rainforest, we explore the last strongholds of Sumatran and Javan rhinos: Together, these two rhino species number fewer than 200 individuals. “Ancient Rhinos of Southeast Asia” is an educational series which takes viewers on a historical journey of two Asian rhino species from their once plentiful existence to their decimation, and finally, to today’s unprecedented international effort to rescue these critically endangered megafauna from the edge of extinction.
Presentation: “World Rhino Day: You’re Invited!”
“World Rhino Day: You’re Invited!” began with an introduction to WRD (it’s on September 22!) and the “birth” of WRD in 2010. In 2011, the tradition grew into a truly global event. 2012 was a pivotal year for World Rhino Day: We launched the World Rhino Day website ( and Facebook page ( — and 14 countries participated in the World Rhino Day 2012 video! The presentation concluded with the showing of the World Rhino Day 2012 video.
Rhishja’s World Rhino Day roundtables filled up quickly with participants enthusiastically brainstorming for the 2012 celebration!
CITES CoP16: Bangkok, Thailand
Annamiticus was proud to add our voice to the coalition of like-minded NGOs at CITES CoP16 in Bangkok, where we worked together tirelessly from March 3 – 14, 2013, to protect endangered species from literally being traded into extinction.

Read Rhishja’s CITES CoP16 Round Up and Commentary.
World Pangolin Day 2013
World Pangolin Day is an opportunity for pangolin enthusiasts to join together in raising awareness about these unique mammals — and their plight. Pangolin numbers are rapidly declining, particularly in Southeast Asia. However, pangolin trafficking is also a serious problem in the rest of Asia, as well as Africa.
Watch our video “Meet the Pangolin” — released just in time for World Pangolin Day 2013:
Presentation: Berkeley, California
Rhishja was invited to Berkeley, California, to give an educational presentation about rhino horn trafficking to the Berkeley Rotary Club. “Rhino Horn Trafficking: A Global Threat” was presented on January 16th, 2013.

Thank you to Shoulder High Productions for filming the presentation for THE PRICE documentary!