Our podcast “Behind the Schemes” ran from 2012 – 2017. Will we start recording again someday? Who knows. In the meantime, have a listen – you’ll definitely learn something!

Behind the Schemes is a conversation about protecting our Planet’s precious wildlife from commerce, corruption, and counterfeit cures.
Podcast episodes:
February 2017
- South Africa’s Latest Rhino Horn Trade Shenanigans. Guests: Quyen Vu (Education for Nature-Vietnam) and Allison Thomson (Outraged South African Citizens Against Poaching), (00:24:36).
August 2016:
- State of the Pangolin. Guests: Dr. Chris Shepherd (TRAFFIC) and Lisa Hywood (Tikki Hywood Trust), (00:20:03).
July 2016:
- Protecting Rhinos and Creating Livelihoods in Indonesia. Guest: Dr. Susie Ellis, International Rhino Foundation, (00:11:41).
- Lion Policy Pioneers. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Christine Macsween, LionAid, (00:29:23).
December 2015:
- China’s Tiger Trade Conspiracy. Guest: Judy Mills, Blood of the Tiger: A Story of Conspiracy, Greed, and the Battle to Save a Magnificent Species, (00:31:37).
November 2015:
- Rhino Horn Trafficking: Market-Based Solutions Under Scrutiny. Guest: Dr. Ronald Orenstein, Ivory, Horn and Blood: Behind the Elephant and Rhinoceros Poaching Crisis, (00:46:22).
October 2015:
- The UN’s Lone Ranger: Combating International Wildlife Crime. Guest: John M. Sellar, OBE FRGS,The UN’s Lone Ranger, (01:06:33).
March 2014:
- Where Are They Now? South Africa’s Alleged Rhino Horn Traffickers. Guest: Julian Rademeyer, Killing for Profit, (00:21:15).
February 2014:
- The Significance of the London Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade. Guest: Sabri Zain, TRAFFIC, (00:09:06).
- The Significance of the London Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade. Guest: Sabri Zain, TRAFFIC, (00:09:06).
- Ivory, Transparency, and Sustainable Utilization. Guest: Susie Watts, Independent Wildlife Consultant, (00:19:42).
- Ivory, Transparency, and Sustainable Utilization. Guest: Susie Watts, Independent Wildlife Consultant, (00:19:42).
- Inside the World’s Largest Shark Slaughterhouse. Guests: Alex Hofford and Paul Hilton, WildlifeRisk, (00:17:45).
- Inside the World’s Largest Shark Slaughterhouse. Guests: Alex Hofford and Paul Hilton, WildlifeRisk, (00:17:45).
January 2014:
- State of the African Pangolin. Guest: Lisa Hywood, Tikki Hywood Trust, (00:11:56).
- State of the African Pangolin. Guest: Lisa Hywood, Tikki Hywood Trust, (00:11:56).
- State of the Asian Pangolin. Guest: Dr. Chris Shepherd, TRAFFIC, (00:11:04).
- State of the Asian Pangolin. Guest: Dr. Chris Shepherd, TRAFFIC, (00:11:04).
October 2013:
- Ivory, Horn and Blood — and CITES. Guest: Dr. Ron Orenstein, Ivory, Horn and Blood, (01:10:47).
- Ivory, Horn and Blood — and CITES. Guest: Dr. Ron Orenstein, Ivory, Horn and Blood, (01:10:47).
August 2013:
- Tackling Corruption in the Congo. Guest: Naftali Honig, Project for the Application of Law for Fauna , (00:35:41).
- Tackling Corruption in the Congo. Guest: Naftali Honig, Project for the Application of Law for Fauna , (00:35:41).
March 2013:
- Rhino Horn Trafficking in India. Guest: Dr. Bibhab Talukdar, IUCN Asian Rhino Specialist Group, (00:24:57).
- Rhino Horn Trafficking in India. Guest: Dr. Bibhab Talukdar, IUCN Asian Rhino Specialist Group, (00:24:57).
March 2013:
- South Africa’s Rhino Horn Dealers. Guest: Julian Rademeyer, Killing for Profit, (00:33:48)
- South Africa’s Rhino Horn Dealers. Guest: Julian Rademeyer, Killing for Profit, (00:33:48)
February 2013:
- Big Carnivores in Big Trouble: Polar Bears and African Lions. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris MacSween, LionAid, (00:58:08).
- Big Carnivores in Big Trouble: Polar Bears and African Lions. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris MacSween, LionAid, (00:58:08).
- TRAFFIC Reports and CITES. Guest: Sabri Zain, TRAFFIC, (00:32:35).
- TRAFFIC Reports and CITES. Guest: Sabri Zain, TRAFFIC, (00:32:35).
- Lions and Turtles and Bears. And CITES. Guest: Dr. Teresa Telecky, Humane Society International, (00:34:03).
- Lions and Turtles and Bears. And CITES. Guest: Dr. Teresa Telecky, Humane Society International, (00:34:03).
November 2012:
- Exposing the Illegal Rhino Horn Trade. Guest: Julian Rademeyer, Killing for Profit, (00:21:03).
- Exposing the Illegal Rhino Horn Trade. Guest: Julian Rademeyer, Killing for Profit, (00:21:03).
October 2012:
- Rescuing Pangolins in Zimbabwe. Guest: Tikki Hywood, Tikki Hywood Trust, (00:21:54).
- Rescuing Pangolins in Zimbabwe. Guest: Tikki Hywood, Tikki Hywood Trust, (00:21:54).
September 2012:
- Dead Lions Walking. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris MacSween, LionAid, (00:25:46)
- Dead Lions Walking. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris MacSween, LionAid, (00:25:46)
August 2012:
- Closing Bear-ly Legal Loopholes in Vietnam. Guest: Quyen Vu, Education for Nature-Vietnam, (00:17:16).
- Closing Bear-ly Legal Loopholes in Vietnam. Guest: Quyen Vu, Education for Nature-Vietnam, (00:17:16).
- A Closer Look At A Biased Ivory Trade Report. Guest: Mary Rice, Environmental Investigation Agency, (00:17:52).
- A Closer Look At A Biased Ivory Trade Report. Guest: Mary Rice, Environmental Investigation Agency, (00:17:52).
- In the Presence of Javan Rhinos. Guest: Bill Konstant, International Rhino Foundation, (00:13:32).
- In the Presence of Javan Rhinos. Guest: Bill Konstant, International Rhino Foundation, (00:13:32).
June 2012:
- A Bear’s Eye View of Sun Bears. Guest: Wong Siew Te, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, (00:14:04).
- A Bear’s Eye View of Sun Bears. Guest: Wong Siew Te, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, (00:14:04).
- Conservation in an Age of Mass Extinction. Guest: Jeremy Hance, mongabay.com, (00:45:28).
- Conservation in an Age of Mass Extinction. Guest: Jeremy Hance, mongabay.com, (00:45:28).
- Rhino Horn and Organized Crime. Guest: Julian Rademeyer, Killing for Profit, (00:20:34).
- Rhino Horn and Organized Crime. Guest: Julian Rademeyer, Killing for Profit, (00:20:34).
May 2012:
- Saving the One-Horned Rhinos of Asia. Guest: Dr. Susie Ellis, International Rhino Foundation, (00:20:30).
- Saving the One-Horned Rhinos of Asia. Guest: Dr. Susie Ellis, International Rhino Foundation, (00:20:30).
- A Closer Look At Slow Loris Trafficking. Guest: Elizabeth John, TRAFFIC, (00:20:00).
- A Closer Look At Slow Loris Trafficking. Guest: Elizabeth John, TRAFFIC, (00:20:00).
- Asia’s Three Rhino Species. Guest: Kerry Crosbie, Asian Rhino Project, (00:26:40).
- Asia’s Three Rhino Species. Guest: Kerry Crosbie, Asian Rhino Project, (00:26:40).
- Taking Action for African Lions. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris MacSween, LionAid, (00:51:03).
- Taking Action for African Lions. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris MacSween, LionAid, (00:51:03).
April 2012:
- Blogging for Endangered Species. Guest: John Platt, Extinction Countdown, (00:26:02).
- Blogging for Endangered Species. Guest: John Platt, Extinction Countdown, (00:26:02).
- Up Close & Personal with Sumatran Rhinos. Guest: Bill Konstant, International Rhino Foundation, (00:17:45).
- Up Close & Personal with Sumatran Rhinos. Guest: Bill Konstant, International Rhino Foundation, (00:17:45).
March 2012:
- Increased Demand for Lion Bones. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris MacSween, LionAid, (00:32:51).
- Increased Demand for Lion Bones. Guests: Dr. Pieter Kat and Chris MacSween, LionAid, (00:32:51).
- Laundering Wildlife in Southeast Asia. Guest: Dr. Chris Shepherd, TRAFFIC, (00:29:47).
- Laundering Wildlife in Southeast Asia. Guest: Dr. Chris Shepherd, TRAFFIC, (00:29:47).
- Rhino Protection from the USA. Guest: Sal Amato, US Fish & Wildlife Service, (00:17:23).
- Rhino Protection from the USA. Guest: Sal Amato, US Fish & Wildlife Service, (00:17:23).
- Tackling Wildlife Crime in Vietnam. Guest: Quyen Vu, Education for Nature-Vietnam, (00:23:17).
- Tackling Wildlife Crime in Vietnam. Guest: Quyen Vu, Education for Nature-Vietnam, (00:23:17).
- Plight of Zimbabwe’s Pangolins. Guest: Tikki Hywood, Tikki Hywood Trust, (00:25:51).
- Plight of Zimbabwe’s Pangolins. Guest: Tikki Hywood, Tikki Hywood Trust, (00:25:51).
February 2012:
- Saving the World’s Smallest Bear. Guest: Wong Siew Te, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, (00:25:26).
- Saving the World’s Smallest Bear. Guest: Wong Siew Te, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, (00:25:26).
- State of the Sumatran Rhino. Guest: Bill Konstant, International Rhino Foundation, (00:11:36).
- State of the Sumatran Rhino. Guest: Bill Konstant, International Rhino Foundation, (00:11:36).
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