Annamiticus was pleased to support the delivery of two back-to-back wildlife crime scene investigation courses in Kenya from March 16 – 23, 2022.
Wildlife CSI students in the field. Photo courtesy of Salvatore Amato.
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Training for Forest Security Personnel saw 38 participants from the Kenya Wildlife and Forest Services, as well as community forest rangers from Mount Kenya Trust, the Bongo Surveillance Project, and Ragati River Management. The courses were delivered by our friend and colleague Salvatore Amato, in partnership with Rhino Ark and the Calgary Zoo.
Salvatore Amato working with Wildlife CSI students. Photo courtesy of Salvatore Amato.
Key elements of the course included:
approaching and securing wildlife crime scenes
searching and documenting the crime scene
evidence collection, chain of custody
use of evidence during prosecution
Training included both classroom presentations and a day-long practical field exercise where trainees processed a mock elephant poaching site and poacher’s camp.
Wildlife CSI students processing a mock elephant poaching site. Photo courtesy of Salvatore Amato.